Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 6th July 2022, 7:00pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), D-M Withers DMW, Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN. Members Simon Orriss SO, Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell (SLO). Supporters Scott Davidson SD, Mark Newman MN, Matt Seaward MS, Matthew Withers MW, Chris Wilmot CW Apologies: Phil Binning, Mohammed Dola, Shahan Miah SM, D-M Withers DMW, James Nicholls JN, Jon Watts, Katrina Watts, Peter Wood
1. Minutes & Matters Arising
1. End-of-season survey – SR and JD agreed to add collate and make the survey ready to distribute through Survey Monkey before the season starts. 2. Supporter of the year – Process still to be reviewed by JN 3. Season cards – MK subsequently updated the numbers sold for both men and women teams
2. Bristol City Heritage
We welcomed Scott Davidson to the meeting and he described the huge willingness towards this project. As well as the online archive a physical museum will be included in the new building. An appeal for memorabilia of all sorts will be made at the appropriate time.
3. Fan Led Review
SO described the last meeting with Richard Gould and Dave Barton. A new ‘Heritage’ section about four or five fundamental heritage assets would have to be inserted into the Club’s Memorandum of Association. The Club is hesitant about a ‘Golden Share’ which they think could put off potential new investors (it appears investment has been sought). A corporate governance and board set-up is possible. When the next accounts appear in the new year, the Club is intending to produce a supporter-friendly commentary.
4. SLO & Police Overview
The £20 away tickets idea emanating from Reading FC has not been taken up by the Club as there would be a significant cost estimated to be £18K per game or £200K per season. The counter argument that more fans would attend at £20 was put forward by the SLO but did not win the argument. Mates rates will apply for the first home game of the season v Sunderland. New season cards should arrive in the post by 13th and if not received by the 25th supporters will be asked to send a message.
5. Hall of Fame
A novel idea arose in discussion – that presentations could be made one by one at selected home games. In this way the recipient feels the attention is on them and their achievement. The idea had general support. [ACTION MA & SR to produce a proposal for our next meeting]
6. Bristol City Women
(The meeting considered a report emailed by SM as he nor DMW were in attendance) FSA Vision Day on 3rd July in Birmingham SM attended this, the first FSA Women's Game Network meeting face to face since the pandemic. Great discussion & workshops took place with other supporter groups. Coach Travel to City Women Away Games DMW had mooted with Grace Williams & SLO the idea of trialling coaches to 2-3 away games next season. BCSCT would consider financial support if and when a scheme is put forward. SLO had been asked about costs and said that one coach for Plymouth cost £770 and the 125 passengers paid £16 each to make a slight profit. Sports Bar screening of England Women v Norway on 11 July Supporters will be encouraged via our social media to meet from 6.30pm to watch this game together.
7. Partnerships
Finance for other groups AGREED to allot £1,000 initially to both the FPA and the Senior Reds. The FPA are able to use the Sports Bar Mezzanine on matchdays to host former players. The Senior Reds are considering a City Women presence at their lunches. Bristol City Panthers & Robins Foundation SM will take our Pride Flag to the Bristol Pride March on 9th July. One Stream in Bristol (OSIB) is looking for distribution via email to our database. Some GDPR concerns and erosion of email contacts were discussed. AGREED to publish a link in our social media to help with promotion.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd August 2022