
April 2024 Minutes

Board Meeting online using Zoom

Wednesday 3rd April 2024, 7:00pm


Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Marie Day MD, Mark Newman MN, James Nicholls JN, Terry Hamlin TH, Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Shahan Miah SM.
Supporters: Chris Chard CC, Paul Hunt PH, Wendy Rowland WR, Diane Rowland DR, Matt Seaward MS
Bristol City: Jerry Tocknell JT.
Avon & Somerset Police: Dave Walker DW.
APOLOGIES: Paul Binning PB, Jon Darch JD, Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW, D-M Withers DM


10. ACTION TR Mid-week Season Ticket idea and ticket exchange scheme will come up at the next meeting with the Club: 2024/25 men’s ST issue has been dealt with. Minutes had been circulated and amended accordingly; they were accepted nem con.

2. END OF SEASON AWARDS following cancellation of Awards Dinner

Planned awards dinner for April 28th cancelled due to City Women’s game that day moving to evening for Sky Sports broadcast. Alternative forms of presentation were discussed. It was felt that and presentation at a match could be impractical due to some supporters in attendance already leaving, and that a videoed session at the RHPC could reach more fans albeit remotely. Champagne moment could be conducted over the media. [ACTION SR, to forward our views]


a) DW reported few issues inside the ground but some fighting in Greville Smyth Park post-Swansea match. Some coins thrown from Atyeo to Dolman; two arrests made on exit following CCTV identification. Instances of children running onto pitch to ask for shirts unaware that game was still going on. Stewards have an unenviable job on the front line.
b) JT advised increase of match days and kick-off times as a result of the new deal with Sky TV starting in 2024/25, in which five Championship games will be transmitted every weekend. As games are rescheduled there will be an additional knock-on effect. Club will receive £2.6m in the deal.


a) FINANCE SESSION WITH COO – we are awaiting the wording of Tom Rawcliffe’s statement.
b) INCLUSIVITY | Robins Foundation/BCFC survey – 1100 responded, less than the 20% required to be significant.
c) CITY WOMEN | some refunds expected for Arsenal coach due to that match being rescheduled. Still no update on rescheduled Fans Forum [ACTION SM to follow up]
e) IMPROVING ATMOSPHERE CONSULTATION – our paper has been sent to the Club. The point was made ‘pitch feeds atmosphere’ and also Kick-off times – the Swansea atmosphere was an example with 12:30 ko.
f) Regular/monthly meeting with COO agenda. Ticket buy-backs are a big item.


We will aim to take up the FSA new model rules and to keep up with their annual audit of our business. Our accounts are being brought up to date and filed with the FCA. AGM draft minutes are being processed. AGREED to continue with our Fans For Future tickets subject to details being provided post-meeting of the prices – 3 adult + 5 U19 tickets.

6. AOB

Season Tickets – CC asked if those with physical cards could carry on with them next season. JT answered definitely yes – the new ticket will be loaded onto the existing card.
Awards Scheme/Online Store – CC pointed out that we do not know the results of recent competitions; 20-day wait to see who has won Stoke tickets – by which time the match may be sold out. JT answered he was sure a refund on tickets already purchased would be possible for winners of tickets. [ACTION JT]
The Year 2025 – JN pointed out 2025 will be 20th anniversary of the original Supporters Trust. We may wish to mark that milestone in some way.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 2025

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