Meetings & Minutes
Wherever possible we try to keep our meetings to the first Wednesday of each month. To keep abreast of any late changes, please follow us on Twitter and/or Facebook, sign up for our e-newsletter and keep an eye open on fans’ Internet messageboards.
If you would like to get actively involved with the Club & Trust or are just curious about what we discuss at our meetings, please come along. We welcome guests and members of all ages and are always looking for volunteers to work on promoting the interests of the Bristol City community. Whatever your skills or the amount of time you have to spare, all assistance is gratefully received.
Open Meetings (incorporating Board meetings)
Our meetings take place on the first Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise notified).
Venue and time: Meetings start at 7.00 pm. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, all meetings are now being held on Zoom. To request a link, please email
All welcome!
Minutes of previous meetings
Minutes are kept of all our meetings. Minutes of meetings since January 2019 can be found here. Minutes of earlier meetings (in PDF format) can be accessed via the links below:
AGM documents can be foundĀ Here