Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 3rd August 2022, 7:00pm
Present Board Miles Hendy MH (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), D-M Withers DMW, Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, Shahan Miah SM. Supporters: Mark Newman MN, Eve Ralph ER (#HerGameToo), Matt Seaward MS.
Apologies: Phil Binning, Mohammed Dola, Stuart Hogg SH, Paul Hunt PH, Ellie Jones EJ, James Nicholls JN, Simon Orriss, Stuart Rogers SR, Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR, Jerry Tocknell (SLO), Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer), Jon Watts, Katrina Watts, Matthew Withers MW.
NB Due to admin error, non-board attendees did not receive the meeting link till 19:17 on the day of the meeting.
1. Fan Led Review
JD reported from the last meeting with Richard Gould and Dave Barton, attended by JD, SO, SR + 1
2. Hall of Fame
MA spoke of his meeting with SR, resulting in proposals circulated pre-meeting. AGREED: · One player to be elected from each of the four double-decades · Voting immediately following the end of the Fan’s Survey; SR to do the necessary preparation · Presentation to one player per match including a Bristol Blue goblet and introduction on the pitch · Matches to be arranged in coordination with the Football Club and the Former Players Association · Decision deferred on players presented at Women’s game v Liverpool last season · A form of ‘escape clause’ to be devised to protect against rogue voting ACTION MA/SR
3. Bristol City Women
SM reported that next meeting with Gavin Marshall & Grace Williams set up for 12th August. DMW & SR attending, other board members are welcome. Likely agenda items being: · Travel to away games - aiming being to organise bus travel to two matches this season · Fans Forum – set a clear date in good time for publicity · Women’s Euros – how we could benefit from England’s success SM reported that men's game v Cardiff moving to 21st August for TV is now right before opening game away at Coventry Utd. SM & DMW decided not to raise as these were not both home games
4. Partnerships
#HerGameToo – ER reported they would be contacting clubs to seek the best ways forward. She would like to see the results of the survey. ACTION JD Bristol Pride Parade – SM reported the Panthers had only attended previous meeting in connection with acquiring referees for their games and this had been successfully resolved. SM advised Panthers they are still welcome to attend our meetings in future Senior Reds – Grace Williams, Lauren Smith & SM are attending their lunch on 18th August as a presence from BCWFC
5. Supporters Survey
JD scanned the results so far with the deadline being 12 August. Already it is apparent that we can improve on the phrasing of questions. The response to the Fan Led Review section on protection of important heritage questions such as colour of playing kit was – agree 92% with only 1% completely disagree. Different links had been used for members and OTIB. It was decided to contact the press with just over one week left to take part and a third link will be used for that purpose. Thus results from the three different sources can be compared.
6. Heritage
TH reported how he had sent in some interesting photos and received a good response from Scott Davidson. He urged others to do the same if they possessed interesting items
7. AOB
Fans For The Future tickets – nearly all the tickets have been allocated. Only two are available up to Boxing Day, only two in January and just one in February. Boards in Supporters Bar – these need updating with last season’s award winners. ACTION MA/JD Atyeo Statue names – it was hoped to have all the names in place for the first home game of the season v Sunderland on the coming Saturday. ACTION MA
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7th September 2022