
November 2022 Minutes

Board Meeting online using Zoom

Wednesday 2nd November 2022, 7:00pm


PRESENT Board: Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, Shahan Miah SM, D-M Withers DM. Members: Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Supporters: Paul Hunt PH, Simon Orriss SO, Neil Palmer NP, Matt Seward MS, Rob Stephen RS. BCFC: Jerry Tocknell (SLO), Charlie Lincoln (CL) Police Liaison: Dave Walker DW.
APOLOGIES Jon Darch JD, Mark Newman MN, James Nicholls JN, James Thomas JT, Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW 
1. Matters Arising
Honours Boards in Supporters Bar – bring up-to-date once Hall of Fame results known [ACTION – MA] Honours Boards in Supporters Bar – bring up-to-date [ACTION – MA]
2. Charlie Lincoln/SLO
Half-Season ticket offer - An offer will be released soon. However full SC holders remain the priority for the Club and were in the forefront of Richard Gould’s mind on his arrival.
Fever Pitch - Bristol Sport’s in-house media company could be setting up a focus group to assist next season's ST promotion. [ACTION CL]
Twenty’s Plenty - SLO said although Club did not support the campaign, the price for Reading was close at £22.
CL added that reciprocal arrangements are better than an overall package.
Supporters Media reaction - SLO reported adverse comments about the Club about being slow to react to a medical incident; many he felt were unjustified.
Disabled Supporters Cover - TH pointed out there is no weather protection for disabled areas. SL said that the A3 and A4 areas at box level either end of the Lansdown Stand are not usually sold out and would be a better immediate alternative. He would take the issue back to the Club. [ACTION CL]
Dolman Sound System - TH reminded us that the system is very bad. SLO replied that he believed an overhaul was part of the general Dolman improvements planned for next summer. [ACTION SLO to check] 
3. Police Report
Millwall & Swansea games - DW said these are always high profile but mostly passed well with only two people arrested at the Millwall game.
Spectator’s Medical treatment - There was some demand for the referee to stop a recent match, however they are NOT required to do so as a matter of routine.
Sunderland’s idea to confiscate coins - BCFC had been asked to name a charity to benefit from the coins which could be taken from BCFC supporters. There was general belief that this idea would be illegal UNLESS as a condition of entry. [ACTION DW]
DW said any actions by stewards would have to be printed on tickets as conditions of sale.
DW added that missile-throwing in stadia had been on the increase nationally.
SR said he had experienced a body search at most away games this season. 
4. Women's Football
SM attended FSA/FA Structured Dialogue meeting at Wembley in October; FSA/FA to release their own minutes.
D-M & SM's work with BCWFC has been nominated for Supporter Engagement Award at FSA Awards to be held in London this month. SM to attend on behalf of BCSC&T, BCWFC to send their own representative.
SM reported that he & D-M had been introduced to the new Fan Engagement Officer Emily Poole. They had been assured that there is nothing to prevent segregation of away fans if desired. A meeting has been arranged to discuss the Fans Survey results.
D-M reported dismay at the final charge for the coach to Charlton and thanked SR for persuading the Club to make up the extra-than-expected amount. It had been much harder than expected to sell tickets - D-M & SM to provide feedback to club [ACTION D-M & SM]
RS had been contacted on the coach. He said it was a good offer and far better than the prospect of driving himself. He suggested some other improvements eg veggie food at RHPC & offered his future help to BCSC&T. [ACTION D-M & SM]
PH suggested a shorter trip may prove more popular in future coach offers. SM agreed, said that Birmingham away is the last game of the season.
CL offered to help with future coach promotion as his department is responsible for emailing the Club’s fan base.  
5. Hall of Fame
MA confirmed voting ends at midnight on Friday 04/11/2022. Once the elected persons are known, we will start preparing a programme of inductions for the season in cooperation with the Club. On request to publicise the voting, Dave Barton mentioned there are no black players in the Hall of Fame. There was general agreement that persons are elected solely on merit and noted we have elected the first two Women members.  
6. Fan Led Review
SO said there was not much to report from the latest meeting. The Club is waiting for the final outcome. Meetings will continue approximately every six weeks. The Club is looking to a video to publicise its accounts. 
7. AGM
SR confirmed 17th December 1pm, Supporters Bar. This excludes some but the next AGM could be held online to be more inclusive. Proposed Associate Membership would be included on the agenda. [ACTION MA & SR] 
8. Bristol City in 100 Objects book
MA had circulated the author’s book proposal, which proved helpful. A decision to support financially was postponed pending a meeting of Bristol City Heritage and Archive Ltd on 25th November. [ACTION SR] 
9. Fans Survey Results
The plan to ‘drip-feed’ results has begun but a programme needs to be agreed with the Club. [ACTION SR]
SR, SM & D-M having meeting with Gavin Marshall & Grace Williams on 04/11/2022 to discuss survey results regarding BCWFC. 
10. John MacPhail
MA had circulated information about John’s accident and the resultant Just Giving appeal by his family. A £100 donation was agreed. [ACTION MA] 
11. Promotion 1997/98 - 25th Anniversary
NP outlined events at the forthcoming Watford game including former players visits to the Supporters Bar 
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 7th December 2022

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