Board Meeting online using Zoom during Covid Pandemic
Wednesday 21 January 2021, 7.00pm
Board present Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), James Nicholls JN, Jon Darch JD, James Thomas JT (part), D-M Withers DW, Shahan Miah SM, Terry Hamlin TH
Apologies Marie Day MD, Miles Hendy MH, Katrina Watts, Jon Watts
Stuart had circulated a number of helpful notes and docs pre-meeting:
Manifesto – two pages, updated
Strategic Objectives and Outcomes – three pages
Rules of Engagement with the Football Club – one page
Summary History of Bristol City WFC was circulated by D-M – seven pages
1. Three strategic strands to explore
(a) Inclusivity | (b) Social conscience | (c) More involvement in our wider community [JN]
2. Visibility
In renewing our objectives and manifesto (almost a small re-launch) we can spring forward on the back of the widening of our remit and the introduction of new board members. We need to get back to the way we presented ourselves to the fans in our early years.
[TH to draw up a number of Key Points and outline a two-year programme of events]
3. Presence at Ashton Gate
Bristol Bears use a gazebo for matchday presence. Our membership model is different but a dedicated permanent space going forward in addition to the Supporters Bar is essential to fulfil our remit. In the current development plan, we seek to find a suitable undercover area to be able to meet freely with fans and operate for example the Programme Club.
[SR to pick up previous conversation with MK]
4. Other pre-match activities beyond the bars
There is often considerable time between parking and kick-off, especially for families.
a) Greville Smyth Park for uniquely themed events such as picnics and games.
b) Special interest events in order to be inclusive of all demographics.
5. Relations with Key Officers at Ashton Gate
Work through SLO to identify best people to approach for specific things. [Next meeting]
6. Getting fans back to football
We can assist in promotion to fans pending their return to stadiums post-pandemic eg by setting up forums to get fans talking and engaging. [all]
7. Open Day pre-2021/22 season
In anticipation of a big return to matches for fans next season [SR &/ or TH]
8. BCWFC supporters - BCSCT membership and relations with BCWFC
a) Discount scheme for BCSCT members to attend BCWFC games, currently Twerton Park [D-M & SM]
b) Redesign levels of membership (red, silver, gold) to reflect inclusion of BCWFC supporters [JD]
c) Memorandum of Understanding
Adapt a pro-forma Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for representatives of the Women’s game to present to the BCWFC board. [D-M to circulate, all to suggest additions and amends].
Strategic view is to extend to BCFC.
d) Twerton Park flags area
Possibility to use part of the ground exclusively and decorate with flags and banners. Potential to access specific funding via Fans for Diversity – an example was shared. [D-M &