Board Meeting online using Zoom
Thursday 4 February 2021, 7.00pm
Board present Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), James Nicholls JN, Jon Darch
JD, James Thomas JT (part), D-M Withers DW, Shahan Miah SM, Terry Hamlin TH
Apologies Marie Day MD, Miles Hendy MH, Katrina Watts, Jon Watts
D-M and SM reported their meeting with Lee Billiard. A section of the ground may be set aside for BCWFC once relationship established. The ‘semi-professional’ quote in the accounts will be queried. The Club will be receiving a share of the Government’s £3 million survival package.
Memorandum of Understanding – this was agreed with Deb Dilworth’s few additions. D-M emphasised it was aimed specifically at BCWFC. The board appointed D-M and SM to approach BCWFC on their behalf.
Sponsorship was considered of one or two BCWFC players or even the whole club. It was decided to begin what we hope will be along association by sponsoring one player for the rest of this season at a cost of £720 including VAT. [D-M and SM]
Continental Cup Final, 14 March – BCWFC would be receiving prize money as a result of reaching the final. The match will be broadcast by BT Sport but it is hoped to be on YouTube as well.
‘Watch Alongs’ The first one is planned for the broadcast of the Final [D-M amd SM]
Another is planned for our AGM with a home fixture – Bournemouth 3rd March. [SR]
It is hoped to have players involved in the future. [MA}
Online store for important documents and calendar of events – [D-M to set up]
Open Day – it looks increasingly likely that fans will return to matches next season. We will approach the Club to suggest an Open Day similar to previous events but on a large appropriate scale.
Permanent undercover area - to operate within the fan base on match days including a permanent base for the Programme Club and perhaps other City memorabilia in store.
[SR to arrange Zoom meeting with MK, possibly involving Matt Parsons and Dean Holden]
The next one is planned for the 13/14 February weekend; James Thomas’ summary of the accounts will be a major item. [JD] contributions asap please [ALL]
Robins TV – there have been a few problems.
BCWFC Season Card holders will be receiving their first refunds shortly.
First Hundred Days – the Club has been approached in connection with a project to document the experiences of fans during lockdown. This could be a good vehicle to re-engaging fans with the Club. [JT]
5. NEXT MEETING – Thursday 4 March
OUTSTANDING ITEMS A list has been drawn up to be considered at later meetings [SR]