Bristol City Supporters Club & Trust
All Board Meetings online using Zoom during COVID-19 Pandemic
Wednesday 1st April 2020, 7.00pm
Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, Miles Hendy, James Nicholls
The meeting was called to discuss the use of some of our funds to give to local charities, who are doing essential work during the current pandemic. At the time, we were hoping to work with the Football Club. Stuart was tasked with contacting Jon Lansdown; he subsequently informed board members:
· JL is on the case and wants a coordinated approach. Has tasked the 3 Foundations to report back on needs within the local community. Fairshare are already doing something within the building (distributing)
· He wants to do stuff that is meaningful and not being met by others (county council).
· I told him about the Co-op and Asda Funding & product provision for Fairshare. Explained that we want to support small, local providers with donations.
· They could provide experiences and products for crowd funding. I pitched the idea of match funding. He will think about it. I said that whilst some fans would be in a good place to donate, there would be others at the other end of the scale. He will look into whether anyone has asked for a refund of ST for next season. I suggested he actively promotes it.
· The unending ST renewal is designed to not put pressure on fans.
· We both think this is going to be an issue for a long time, so he will get back to me middle of next week
Wednesday 15 April 2020, 7.00pm
Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, Miles Hendy, James Nicholls
SR had spoken with JL a couple of times and chased in between. It was clear that it was going to be a slow build effort to deliver the big relief project and not so clear how we could add any value.
So, small sub-groups met to put together a survey to determine which charities we could support independently and to gather fans’ views on the issue of ticket refunds. We were particularly worried about fans who had made the commitment to purchase 2020/21 season tickets in February, before the Covid-19 lockdown, who were since struggling financially and could do with that money back. SR had raised it with JL as an issue but had heard nothing back. We also felt that the use of the Government’s furlough scheme should be tested with fans
Thursday 23 April 2020, 7.00pm
Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, Miles Hendy, James Nicholls
The survey then went out on 17 April.
The results of the survey (qv) were discussed; as a result, SR emailed Jerry Tocknell (SLO) next day. Key points:
· Over 2,000 fans responded with valuable feedback and opinions relating to the current pandemic crisis
· Good to get a view from them on the issue of season ticket refunds for this season in the event that it concludes behind closed doors or does not actually get completed. Lots of supporters asked about this unprompted in the comments section.
· It is worth noting that the larger survey responses were mostly received before the announcement by the football club on Monday relating to players wages deferrals and staff pay cuts.
· In discussion amongst our board we wondered, based on the survey results and the subsequent announcement, whether there would be a willingness of City supporters to act like supporters of many German Clubs and sacrifice their right for a refund if players are perceived as not making a meaningful sacrifice themselves.
· While many football clubs had not got around to selling season tickets for 2020/21 before the lockdown, some City supporters have paid a significant sum in the belief they could afford it, and are now struggling to get by and have buyer's regret.
· The survey shows that the overwhelming majority of supporters feel it would be appropriate for the Club to make a refund available to those who now feel that they are struggling, and to keep their seat open for a period. As many as 15% of supporters who responded would like to take advantage of this.
· While it would clearly be expensive to offer, this would, we believe, be very well received as a gesture showing concern for loyal supporters who are really struggling financially, and may make some supporters more willing to consider sacrificing a rebate for unwatched 2019/20 matches.
The 'main' survey went out via e-mail, social media and OTIB. An abbreviated version of the survey was subsequently sent out to a different mailing list post announcement by the football club..
It is important to read the exact wording of the questions in the attachments, however, in short, the results can be summarised as follows:
BCFC/AGL should not use the furlough scheme Strongly agree / agree = 83%
BCFC/AGL should pay casual staff Strongly agree / agree = 73%
BCFC should offer ST refunds Strongly agree / agree = 84%
Would personally take up refund offer Yes = 15% No = 85%
Organisations to support Feed the Homeless = 29% Victoria Park Foodbank = 29% Refresh Bedminster = 14% Trussel Trust = 27%
There are also comments and suggestions in the free-form responses shown in the Q5 PDFs attached, which are worth a browse.
Board Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, Miles Hendy, James Nicholls
Accounts James Thomas
BCFC Jerry Tocknell(SLO)
- Draft external communication for survey results, majoring on ticket refunds as a call to action. JD/MH
- Talk to the football club again to seek engagement, but not as an ultimatum. The priority is to see the right things being done. JT
- Keep talking with MP and see if the donations pipeline is still strong for the foodbank effort. JT/SR
- Draft a newsletter with content around charity donations and survey. JD
- Find out who the beneficiaries are for the SM testimonial. SR
- See if an extension to the deadline for spending loyalty credits can be given or the option to give to charity. JT
- Meeting to be arranged with James N and James T to progress preparation and independent review of our accounts. SR
Tuesday 2 June 2020, 6.00pm
Board Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, James Nicholls
Accounts James Thomas
BCFC Jerry Tocknell(SLO)
· Agree with the Football Club's stance on reward points deadline. Plenty of time for fans to have redeemed discounts
· Closing in on 2018 accounts completion within next 2 weeks and 2019 started (JT)
· New bank account and expenses approval process in place means less reliance on cheques and paper trails
· Agreed to give £100 to (SR) in memory of Buster Footman
· Draft wording for optional refund of membership fees due to no bar facility being available (JD)
· Investigate with Caroline Herbert the concept of fan images being purchased and displayed at Ashton Gate (JD)
· Rather than public appeal for other charities to support, agreed to contact (JD)
· We await news on potential ticket refunds or access to games behind closed doors towards end of the week
· The tone of any messaging from the club is vital to get supporter buy in to not accept a refund. See (JT)
· We publicly acknowledged the good work to deliver food parcels by the club and Robins Foundation
We may need to convene a quick chat if and when any news of refunds becomes available.
Tuesday 7 July 2020, 5.15pm
Board Stuart Rogers (chair & notes), Mike Adams, Jon Darch, Marie Day, Miles Hendy, James Nicholls
BCFC Jerry Tocknell(SLO)
- 3 out of 419 accepted a refund when offered for BCST annual membership. We received a lot of follow up emails supporting our work, to which SR replied to them all.
- We believe the level of refunds issued for 2019/20 season tickets would have been lower than 12% if the wording of the statement had been better. SR had offered suggestions to the Club and to read any prepared statement before issuing. A strongly worded review of the press releases was sent to DB afterwards, which was acknowledged but not commented on.
- Bristol City is not listed as a real living wage employer, which is a potential issue to raise in the future, but not now. Over 18 match day staff have been furloughed and a lot of effort has been put in by the club to protect all jobs. MA to timetable foe the agenda in January 2021.
- Accounts up to date for 2018 and 2019, now being independently reviewed by D Maule. Huge thanks to James Thomas. Our processes are more streamlined now with online membership databases, upgraded online banking, greatly reduced use of cheques and no cash handling. The final step will be to file the accounts with the FCA and other relevant bodies.
- The process for allowing flags into the stadium during lockdown was stop/start and frustrating. JT and some volunteers did a good job putting out those that were allowed and noted how long this took.
- JD had put together a full proposal to the club to deliver a Crowdie solution, with all profit going to a nominated charity. The club went with a commercial offer and didn’t inform us of their decision. SR made the point to the club that we are volunteers and that sometimes it would be good for people to recognise the effort gone to in our own time and at least let us know if these things are not going to be accepted.
- JT (SLO) asked who would return to the stadium and when. The response was mixed due to a variety of reasons. This wider insight amongst fans would be helpful for the club to predict propensity to return in the Autumn and should be suggested as a collaborative effort.
- We agreed to go back to the 4 charities we have funded to date and see if the demand is still high for further donations (JD). SR/JN and JD have met with the Quartet Foundation who can locate worthy causes locally and administer grants through an application process should we choose to distribute around £25,000
- End of season awards. Mike to get in touch with Matt Parsons. Likely to arrange for the end of the season. MD suggested that the Supporter of the Year this year should be to commemorate the work of all NHS, Care Sector and other Key Workers. This was unanimously accepted.
- We have always been concerned about the club’s intention to test independent barriers in Section 82 because it would be too cramped. A previous offer to fund a trial of safe standing rail seats still stands.SR to have a conversation with MK to see if this can be revisited.