Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 1st March 2023, 7:00pm
PRESENT Board: Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN Supporters: Neil Palmer NP, Matt Seaward MS BCFC: Jerry Tocknell (SLO). Police Liaison: Dave Walker DW. APOLOGIES Jon Darch JD, Katrina Watts KW, Jon Watts JW, D-M Withers DM; Paul Hunt PH, Mark Newman MN, Rob Stephen RS
1. SLO & Police Overview
DW was pleased to announce that “things had quietened down.” SLO reported that Cardiff City had moved some of their fans to create 400 extra tickets for us. Sunderland said our fans were the best all season. Rewards Scheme is still not working for some supporters despite recent changes. AGREED to reiterate our offer to help; not yet taken up by the Club. [ACTION SLO to feed back our position] Unreserved seating block at Ashton Gate for BCWFC games – the Club is not keen and a 10% reduction in capacity would apply
2. Hall of Fame
MA described progress. Gary Johnson’s presentation had been very successful. We are hosting Chris Garland’s family and making his presentation at the Blackpool game; negotiations are proceeding to bring Corinne Yorston & Loren Dykes to a match this season. The one difficulty is with another inductee who has pulled out of a charity event post-season and contact with him is proving illusive.
SM asked whether we could support a coach this season for the Birmingham game. AGREED to see the take-up for the Southampton coach before making a decision
4. Communications Plan for the Survey
MH said the End-of-season Survey working party (MA, SR, SM) had met and identified: a) many Qs could be phrased better; could we find expertise from our membership? b) separate Men’s and Women’s Qs could be tried in the summer. It may be possible to benefit from Charlie Lincoln’s marketing team. Next survey could be due in July.
5. End of Season Awards
SM, D-M and MA presented their recommendations, which were accepted. New features are: U21 age criterion for Young Player awards and a separate Champagne Moment for Women. AGREED For the Supporter award, we would return to our original intention and seek nominations then select three for the players to choose the winner. The involvement of third parties could be considered [ACTION MA]. A Women’s awards board is required in the Supporters Bar. A Monday to midnight Saturday voting schedule was proposed, the earliest possible being 6th to midnight 11th March. The Club has come up with the idea of a dinner to present awards – no details yet. Women’s awards could be made additionally at one of their matches. Club currently not keen on last home game due to potential promotion [ACTION SM]
6. Fan Led Review
The supporters side keep applying pressure for the Club to make progress on Heritage matters and around the role of the new Football Regulator. However Steve Lansdown is reported as saying his experience of regulators has not been good.
7. Former Players Association
NP reported: a Golf Day combined with an auction had been arranged for 4th July at Knowle Golf Club. A dinner is on the agenda to celebrate Marina’s birthday. The Blackpool game is near to what would have been Buster Footman’s 85th birthday. His son Kevin will be present, yellow T-shirts will be on sale with profits going to the British Legion. FPA have been invited to a reciprocal event at Swansea following our hosting of their representatives at Ashton Gate earlier this season.
8. AOB
TH had been approached by some gold members querying what benefits they receive especially those who are not regular users of the Supporters Bar. AGREED to consider what other incentives could be offered at our next meeting. [ACTION MA]
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th April 2023