Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 7:00pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN, D-M Withers DM, Jon Watts, Katrina Watts. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell JT (SLO). Supporters Mark Newman MN, Simon Orriss SO. Apologies Leah Case LC, Marie Day MD, James Thomas JT
1. SLO
Chris Kelly - Bristol Sport Ltd has employed Chris in a dedicated role to drive its objectives forward. Damage after Cardiff game – DW reported that CCTV does not cover toilets but supporters have supplied names, which are being followed up and some arrests are pending. The general problem of disorder has grown 30-40% nationally as Covid restrictions have been lifted. Many City Centre venues are excluding fans groups greater than three. Some behaviour in Ashton Road post-match was vial. Seven PSUs were operating and horses were used in Greville Park. Drinking leads to many problems and is best managed in the stadium. The Club is pro-active in banning trouble-makers. SR had attended an online national meeting of Supporters Trusts, which confirmed the increase in disorder incidents and unfortunately Bristol City compares badly with other clubs. MK [Mark Kelly, Ashton Gate] was concerned that away players can incite the home crowd [ACTION DW to find if police can brief the referee pre-match & suggest group to investigate behavioural issues and the specific idea of a video]
SO reported on the meeting with Richard Gould, who has been empowered to work with fans to take this matter forward. He is keen to do preparative work but not make decisions until the subject passes into law. He was concerned over some terminology eg ‘Golden Share’ in our working paper. Fair Game (Football) Ltd has been set up by Football Clubs to come together for Football to be governed with fairness, openness and transparency. It has 33 League and non-league clubs affiliated and BCFC is considering joining. It would be advantageous to expand our membership base. We will reconsider levels of membership including free membership. [ACTION ALL + MA to pervade plan for discussion next meeting] [ACTION DR & WR to find membership of Senior Reds] [ACTION JD to approach the Club again with our request to expand the Supporters Bar]
DM, SM & SR had met with Gavin Marshall to discuss the Club’s long-term plans. Grace Williams was unable to attend but they will have a follow-up meeting with her. We would reference the MOU where applicable. He intimated that BCSCT may be able to have a publicity table in the concourse at the Liverpool game on 3rd April if they so requested. The players could visit the Supporters Bar if their manager agrees. A video of City Women awards from their last home game at the RHPC, could be used in presentations the following week at the City men awards presentation. [ACTION MA to contact Dave Barton] [ACTION DM/SM to approach Gavin Marshall with the request for such a table and to confirm he would be happy with the agreed meeting minutes going online]
HerGameToo – all agreed that it had good coverage at both games that weekend; LC (& Eve Ralph) came across well with fans clapping at the end. AG8 Anniversary – arrangements are going ahead for the Middlesbrough game notably the Choreo, which will involve the three central blocks of the Dolman stand. The players will be presented in our Supporters Bar at 12.15pm before their lunch at 1.00pm. The plan is for them to go onto the pitch at 2.45pm but there is a plan B for inclement weather
Several board members had submitted their proposed questions since our last meeting. [ACTION MH Draft survey to be circulated ready for discussion and finalising at next meeting] [ACTION JT to remind Richard Gould that this survey is scheduled for soon after the end of the season]
6. END OF SEASON AWARDS [ACTION MA to contact Matt Parsons re scheduling of the presentations – hopefully following the last home game of the season] [ACTION MA to contact Mark Kelly re nature of the event] [ACTION MA to contact MD if she can arrange a ‘Golden Boot’ award for BCWFC]
[ACTION MA to check invoice has been paid. The possibility of a further statue was discussed] [ACTION ALL to bring ideas to next meeting]
Next meeting is scheduled for 2nd March 2022