How to squeeze all the atmosphere and pleasure out of a local derby in one fell swoop. Well done the Heddlu! In my view, Cardiff away as a fixture is now officially dead. Already subjected to a reduced 1,481 ticket allocation, a 12.00 kick-off on a Sunday and no local train service, what else could Bristol City fans expect to make their away day go any better… ?
Free seat reservations for Cardiff beamback
The Supporters Club & Trust Bar will be open on Sunday for the beamback from City’s match in Cardiff and reservations for seats in the bar to watch the game are now being taken. What’s more you can reserve your seat for free!
Supporters Bar open to all
The Supporters Club & Trust bar on the first floor of the Sports Bar & Pizzeria at Ashton Gate is opening its doors at half-time and after matches to all City fans. While access before games will remain exclusively for SC&T members, any supporter can now get a drink (and a seat!) in the Supporters Bar at all other times on matchdays. Read More
We shall not be moved
10 Bristol City supporters who are not considered a risk or involved in football related disorder were surrounded and threatened with force including the use of police dogs, publicly accused of being hooligans by an inspector using a megaphone, detained for over 90 minutes and put back on a train home without being allowed to attend the game they had come to watch. They had all travelled to the game independently, didn’t all know each other and had tickets for the match. Read More