Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 6th March 2024, 7:00pm
Board: Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Marie Day MD, Mark Newman MN, James Nicholls JN, Terry Hamlin TH, Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Shahan Miah SM, D-M Withers DM
Supporters: Paul Hunt PH, Eve Ralph ER, Wendy Rowland WR, Diane Rowland DR, Matt Seaward MS
Bristol City: Ryan Morgan RM, Tom Rawcliffe TR, Jerry Tocknell JT
Avon & Somerset Police: Dave Walker DW.
APOLOGIES: Paul Binning PB Chris Chard, Jon Darch JD, Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW
Welcome to all regular attendees, extended to COO Tom Rawcliffe from the football club & Ryan Morgan from the club’s media team
DW said about 200 officers had to be assembled for the Swansea game. The police are going to use operational officers as far as possible in future to cut down on numbers brought in.
Cardiff kick off time TH queried the late notice; DW said the fact was known at the start of the season and the Club knew then but TR acknowledged it had been lost in the changes in personnel.
Away supporters Millwall supporters have not been a problem since 2018 bar the special circumstances surrounding the wrecking of The Luckwell Pub. No issues with Leeds United supporters that visited recently.
Away fans release at final whistle MN asked why away fans are not held back; DW said the Club would have to give justification and typically this does not work.
Incendiary on pitch at Cardiff game the thrower will almost certainly be identified from CCTV footage, but hasn’t yet.
Flags An EFL directive says any flags with political connections have to be removed. This was after a Cardiff supporter was removed displaying a particular flag. Banners of similar nature were also removed at City Women’s game against Brighton & Hove Albion Women
3. SLO
There has been an increasing number of requests at matches for recognition of fans who have passed away. The Club is thinking about how best to cope with the numbers. Pictures will not be allowed due previous abuse of the facility.
Leicester City match may be designated a ‘memorial game.’
Huddersfield Town match will have a Robins Foundation theme, as will City Women’s game against Liverpool Women a week later.
FA Youth Cup Quarter Final v Swindon Town The Club is advertising heavily as they have invested in the U18 team this season and the Academy as constituted has not reached that level before
SC&T statement A factual statement was prepared but judged not to be needed. SC&T decided not to sign a petition/statement calling for the conference to be cancelled, which was organised by Stanley Hughes of One Stream In Bristol.
Demonstrations took place at City Women’s game versus Brighton Women, and subsequently at the conference. The Palestine Solidary Campaign appeared to be the organiser. A relevant motion about the use of Ashton Gate Stadium is proposed for an EGM to be called at an early practical time. TR pointed out that BCFC rents the stadium.
JT had received 300 emails mostly ‘copy and paste’ protesting against the event. Ashton Gate Limited facilitated the protest to the extent of allowing their entrances to be blocked.
It was noted that if it had been masked football fans physically preventing someone entering the stadium, they would likely have been arrested.
Finance session with COO – Nothing to report at this meeting
Inclusivity – Football Club survey
This is part of the accountability and auditing process required by the EFL, whose template has been used. It will be issued to fans via email. Meetings of the previous meeting are with TR for checking. SR is meeting with Ffion Meijer to follow up on findings
Tribute SM praised club for matchday tribute to supporter Dave Saunders, who passed away after attending Aston Villa away game. MN said that presentation during FA Player livestream was done well
Coach travel SM acknowledged that coach travel is proving popular; Aston Villa coach sold out, Brighton & Leicester coaches near sell-outs. Man Utd coach struggling to sell due to early KO (12pm) & earlier departure time (6:30am). Only 13 seats sold so far; coach costs £900 to hire. SC&T and BCFC are both committed to making up 50% of any losses. PH asked about having a smaller coach; SM confirmed the smallest coach from Turners is a 34-seater and there is little financial advantage.
AGREED Despite the possible cost, we will not renege on our commitment to supporters & still run the Man Utd coach.
Women’s Fans Forum Due to take place on March 4th, the club announced postponement several days before. SM contacted club to confirm reason, but no reply received. TR confident that club still want fans forum to go ahead later on in season. DM said they will not chase up for the new date, having already spent enough time to get club to agree to original date in the first place
ER reported Bristol City held their annual deducted Her Game Too fixtures on 2nd and 3rd March and the feedback so far has been very positive.
“We had so much support from lots of members of club staff for which Leah [Davis] & I are extremely grateful. The dedicated fixtures saw the following: men’s team warming up in HGT T-shirts; access to the concourse for Leah and me before the men’s and women’s game with a stand. We had our flags, flyers, a drawing competition and various activities for fans. Fifty complimentary tickets for the women’s game were distributed to local grassroots teams and a local charity that supports women in Bristol. Some were given to people attending their first football match. Scott Murray arranged the men’s first team to sign a T-shirt, which we shall be using to fundraise to support a local partner grass roots team. We had a feature in the Junior Reds match day magazine, Robins TV interview and pitch side interview for the men’s and women’s games to share the work HGT do”
MA reported that the men’s player names had been entered into voting form and JD has the women’s player names for the voting process. The site therefore can be up and running soon. Discussion ensued on voting being too early so a deadline date for voting was left to be decided subsequently by email. Likewise, the seating allocation for our table at the Dinner would be handled by email together with the matter of paying for a second table. MA made points about the listing and description of awards in the programme for last season’s Dinner. SC&T had been credited with only one award and we did not present any awards. This should be put right this season. ACTION: SR
JD and SR had been meeting to put together a working paper to go to draft a discussion document for review by the football club. The final version should appear in about two weeks time.
James Thomas is working hard to bring our accounts up to date. SR and MH will be conducting a governance view with the FSA,
Hall of Fame
Loren Dykes received her goblet from D-M informally at the City Women’s game against Brighton Women. We will look for the first opportunity to present the final of the current HOF inductees with his.
Mid-week season card
A section of fans cannot make Saturday games due to other commitments. TH asked if the Club would consider the Mid-week idea.
a) to take away the Mid-week SC idea
b) to look into an improved fans ticket exchange scheme
c) to report back on the planned SEASON CARDS 2024/25 issue for comment pre-launch
Recent celebrations for 1974 and 1994 FA Cup events
It is thought by some fans that such celebrations make the Club look small.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd April