
May 2022 Minutes

Board Meeting online using Zoom

Wednesday 4th May 2022, 7:00pm


Present  Board  Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), D-M Withers DMW, Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN, Jon Watts JW. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell JT (SLO). Supporter. Stuart Hogg SH, Ellie Jones EJ, Mark Newman MN, Matt Seaward MS, Matthew Withers MW, Mohammed Dola MD, Peter Wood PW, Paul Hunt PH Apologies Phil Binning, Simon Orriss, James Thomas
Atyeo Statue – MA, last band of names being produced.
Supporters Bar – JD, new lectern purchased.
End-of-season survey - MH, emailed a draft, omissions and amendments to MH [ACTION for ALL]
Fans for the Future tickets - AGREED to adjust our order from 2 to 3 adults and from 6 to 5 U19.
Fan led review meetings continue with the football club.
MA, players in very good spirits. MA introduced in turn: SM for top goal scorer, MD for champagne moment, TH for young PoY before making presentation to PoY. Photos were taken for use on-screen at the final home game. DMW noted that their picture with Abi Harrison was the only one omitted from the media coverage driven by the football club and was upset that this once again did not reflect at all well on the representation of the LGBTQ community by the football club. JT said he would make the media team aware of this. [ACTION JT]
Supporter Award – unsatisfactory outcome in recent years. Discussion on restructure with single nominations to be assessed by an independent group – more thought and discussion needed to decide details. [ACTION for ALL]
Additional separate Women’s supporters meetings suggested eg in our Bar at televised Euro matches.
DMW suggested a stall at Bristol Pride Festival and other events, which JT believes would be well supported by some football club employees. Match attendance at RHPC is low – questions to be added to end-of-season survey. PW from the Senior Reds advised that they have a 20% women’s membership, and are keen to promote the Women’s game at their meetings beginning with 19th May. [ACTION all points DMW and SM. Senior Reds promotion by PW] 
£124K total assets of which £50K in Share account and £30K in Statue account, both ring-fenced. £10K was contributed to the AG8 event. 1,300 members on our database, £3K fees from OTIB members
5. PARTNERSHIPS (#enior Reds, Former Players Association, Bristol City Archive)
Former Players Association – it is proposed we finance certain activities such as travel and hotel accommodation for former players attending a game/function.
Senior Reds – proposed we could purchase life-time memberships for former players wishing to join.
Both these proposals to be firmed up and put and brought to the next meeting.
Bristol City Heritage Archive – there will be financial implications, details to come but expect set-up cost to be met by the football club. [ACTION SR & DMW to meet with Scott Davidson, SR to progress legal agreement]
6. SLO
JT, Richard Gould has agreed to revive ‘Matchday Meet and Greet’ volunteers at start of next season. We will suggest reviving the idea for a ‘misbehaviour’ video and a new proposal for an ‘Everyone’s Game’ video involving supporters and players for pre-season use initially. [ACTION SR & JT] 11,600 new season cards had been sold up to the day of the meeting. Up to 500 tickets are available for issue like the 140 to a local inner-city mosque, which received very good feedback from MD at the meeting. MD talked about the positive experience for those that had attended and that some had returned for subsequent games. MD thanked all involved for making this happen and for the higher visibility of ways to report instances of abusive behaviour on match days. 
DW reported the good news that the last three games had witnessed a vast improvement in behaviour.
The 18-24 age group needs targeting over misbehaviour issues, to which thought needs to be put. [ACTION FOR ALL]
A feedback session involving DW and Richard Gould was proposed. [ACTION SR & DW]
Discussion postponed to June meeting due to time constraints
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 1st June 2022 

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