Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 1st June 2022, 7:00pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), D-M Withers DMW, Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Mark Kelly MK (Managing Director, Ashton Gate/Bristol Sport). Supporters Stuart Hogg SH, Ellie Jones EJ, Paul Hunt PH, Mark Newman MN, Matt Seaward MS Apologies: Phil Binning, Mohammed Dola, Simon Orriss, Jerry Tocknell (SLO), Jon Watts, Katrina Watts, Peter Wood, Matthew Withers
1. Matters Arising
End-of-Season Survey – this will now be shared with the Club [ACTION SR/MH] Supporter-of-the-Year – the whole process will be revised [ACTION JN to present ideas to for next meeting] Matchday Meet and Greet not yet agreed as there is a question of sourcing the individuals [ACTION MK]
2. Bristol Sport Update – Mark Kelly
Season Cards - MK reported 12,654 sales, 500 up on last year. Best season was 15-16K following Man City pinnacle. Break-down: Youth 1394, U19 2156, 19-24 drop-off 3%. Membership scheme is being revised. The CEO and BSL are both working to fill the stadium and create a great atmosphere for the fans and team. Women’s SC data would be useful. [ACTION MK to forward post-meeting] Q&A - to happen in September. [ACTION MK to confirm and forward details nearer the event] New commercial director – Ben Latty from Liverpool FC; “preparations for being Premier League club.” Park-and-Ride – we hope that we can at some point utilise the Park and Ride but nothing concrete yet. Memorial Garden – MK will take this subject back to the project and design team and update soon. [ACTION MK] Open Day (as we used to have one pre-season) – idea accepted in principle but turned down this year as activity on the pitch is considered a vital part and the grass renewal is behind schedule this year
3. SLO and Police Overview
Recent home games have been fine. A Youth Intervention Programme is being developed. We resurrected the idea of producing a video ‘Making Ashton Gate a Safe Place’ – [ACTION both items SR/DW]
4. Bristol City Women
SM is going to the Vision Day meeting in Birmingham on 3rd July organised by the FSA for the Women's Game Network; it will be the first meeting in-person for the network since the pandemic. It emerged that, to receive our emails, a member needs to have ticked the appropriate box upon joining. We realise that a number will not have done that so are not getting any information from us. [ACTION JD]
5. Partnerships
Bristol City Heritage Trust – AGREED to ask for representation of the steering group. [ACTION SR to communicate agreement in principle and confirm details] Digitising - DMW pointed out there will be a lot of digitising, which they were willing to help with. Museum – question of what will be on display; for this and other questions including the Hall of Fame, Scott Davidson to be invited to next meeting. [ACTION SR/MA] Funds to other groups - AGREED in principle to set aside £1K funds to be available for FPA and another £1K for Senior Reds relating to their work with Academy players and their families.
6. BCSCT Membership Categories
Detail of ‘Associate Membership’ category (current constitution) for next meeting – [ACTION MA] Acquire latest recommended constitution and circulate for next meeting – [ACTION MH]
7. Hall of Fame
Prioritise for next meeting – [ACTION MA]
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 6th July 2022