Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 5th January 2022, 7.00pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN, D-M Withers DM, Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell JT (SLO). Supporters Leah Case LC, Simon Orriss SO
Apologies James Thomas
1. Colour Blindness
SO brought us up to date with a 10-page letter he was producing for stakeholders –there are a surprising number. [ACTION SO to circulate letter to board members]
2. SLO Update
Away ticket arrangements working very well. Big increase in number of complaints about verbal abuse after every game especially racist-related. Luton away game, possible special measures around potential verbal abuse. This is part of a national trend. [ACTION DW to contact counterpart at Luton]
Educational video re disorderly behaviour. [ACTION DW & SR]
Matter could arise in network meeting of supporters trusts. [ACTION SR to attend]
Joint messaging with the Football Club will be our major aim.
3. Fan Led Review
The major proposal to arise is the ‘Golden Share’, which would grant fans – through their representative organisation – the power of veto over certain aspects of Club heritage such as the Club colours. This is SO’s area of expertise and he is preparing a paper - for approval by the board – with which to approach the Club for early talks. [ACTION SR to circulate board members for perusal and possible amendments] Inter-structure of SL group of companies. [ACTION SO/SR to circulate board members]
4. #HerGameToo
LC brought us up to date and referred to pioneering work being done at Everton FC. JT added that Sexism is an area where the Football Club is ‘doing OK.’
5. Senior Reds
Peter Wood had approached us about possible collaboration [ACTION ALL for practical suggestions for discussion next meeting]
6. Ashton Gate 8 Anniversary
The preparations are on-going with good collaboration from the Club. We are ordering personal medallions for each player. Surfer flags have been designed and ordered. We have valuable help from a Liverpool fan with experience of organising stadium card displays. Only Chris Garland of the Eight is unable to attend. JT pointed out that the pitch is lethal to walk on without suitable footwear and this should be communicated to the organisers. [ACTIONS SR to follow up]
The agenda for a meeting with management on 24 January is being drawn up. [ACTION SM/DM to circulate board members for perusal, possible amendments and if they can attend]
8. Annual Fans Survey
Individuals have been circulated with request to make their planned contributions. The final draft is being discussed by MH and JD week commencing 17 January. [ACTION MH to circulate next draft to members]
9. Supporters Bar
The lift is now working. New shield/trophy cases have been ordered through JW & KW. The Wi-Fi is very poor after one hour [ACTION JT/SR to request alternative circuit]
10. Finance & Accounts
There was no regular report. Tables for the Ashton Gate dinner are to be sold for £1K. Part of the £10K agreed to spend on this project will be deemed to pay for our table.
11. Website
It was agreed that our website could be more user-friendly and needs WordPress upgrading [ACTION JD/SR]
12. Safe-Standing
As safe-standing starts operating in the Premier League, a vote of thanks was given to JD for his sterling work.
Next meeting agreed for 2nd February 2022