Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 1st February 2023, 7:00pm
PRESENT Board: Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, Shahan Miah SM Members: Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR, Rob Stephen RS. Supporters: Roger Farr RF, Paul Hunt PH, Mark Newman MN, Neil Palmer NP, Matt Seaward MS, Peter Wood. BCFC: Jerry Tocknell (SLO). Police Liaison: Dave Walker DW. APOLOGIES Ian Heath IH, James Nicholls JN, Katrina Watts KW, Jon Watts JW, D-M Withers DMW
1. Minutes & Matters Arising
AGREED – to purchase our Fans For The Future ticket entitlement for Manchester City FA Cup tie. [ACTION JD]. We will investigate whether profits could properly be distributed to charity if tickets were sold to third parties. [ACTION SLO]
2. SLO & Police Overview
DW said there had been some policed games lately but they had passed off well. The organised move of fans into the E34/Dolman "A" block caused individual seating difficulties but no general problem. SLO pointed out that fans have the option of three seat changes this season, ending with the Norwich game. The players had commented on the improved atmosphere during games. The move could be made more permanent by the Club converting the block into safe standing in the off-season. AGREED – to ‘follow’ the Twitter account of fans involved. [ACTION SM] SLO described the priority ticketing arrangements for Cardiff and Manchester City, which take account of the number of games attended and telephone bookings. One thousand memberships had been sold since Tuesday. The Rewards Scheme has been delayed several times but is due for imminent announcement. The audio stream from Robins TV is often the subject of complaints. It is run by a third party company
Coach to Southampton – we need the cost in writing from the Club. [ACTION SM] Conti Cup quarter final with Manchester City in January was moved to Ashton Gate without BCSC&T being informed first, however turnout & atmosphere was good. Both teams drawn against each other again in Women's FA Cup in February, SLO expects game to be at RHPC Arnold Clark Cup – England Lionesses fans are being advised they may meet in our Supporters Bar as FSA no longer going ahead with a Lionesses event there [ACTION SM] ST holders – PH favoured an unreserved block at AG – supported by many others. Question – would a 10% reduction in capacity have to be imposed? [ACTION SLO] Season parking passes – could a scheme be set up? [ACTION SLO] Priority for tickets – RS hoped for groups similar to the men’s game.
3. Former Players Association
Ashton Gate Eight – NP reported there will be a low-key event compared with last year to be held near the concourse mural at the Norwich game. An annual event is planned from now on. Bristol Rovers player Nick Anderton - suffering from a rare form of bone cancer - £1600 was collected on his behalf. [ACTION SLO]
4. Fan Led Review
SR reported that the White Paper will be published on 15th February; expected to contain most of the big recommendations of the review. A Fair Game representative attends most meetings with the Club. Incoming CEO Phil Alexander has worked with the Trusts and Ultras groups at both Crystal Palace & Wycombe. Mark Kelly’s role has expanded more into financial matters so Sarah Farrar, former Chief Commercial Officer at Chelsea, has been appointed
5. Hall of Fame
MA had agreed arrangements with Adam Garland for a Chris Garland table in the Heineken Bar at the Blackpool game. It then emerged that kick-off had been brought forward to 12:30. MA was looking for a contribution from BCFC. Lee Johnson had been contacted on LinkedIn re: Gary attending the Wigan game. The Club was to provide contact details for Loren Dykes and Corrine Yorston. AGREED Alan Walsh to be presented with his Hall of Fame goblet in the Supporters Bar 1pm at the Norwich game.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 1st March 2023