Notice is hereby given that the annual general meeting of the Bristol City Supporters Society Limited will be held in the Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate Stadium, Ashton Gate, Bristol at 1.00 p.m. on Saturday 12 January 2019. Doors will be open from Midday.
All members are invited to this meeting. The AGM provides a formal opportunity to hear of the Supporters Club & Trusts progress and allows members to put questions to the Board. Please can all members attending the AGM bring a means of ID with them. The AGM will be open to both members and non-members. However only members will be allowed to speak and vote on proposed resolutions. Members will be asked to sign in on arrival and will then be presented with a card to hold up when wishing to speak / vote.
Any member is entitled to table a resolution to be proposed to those present at the AGM. If any member wishes to do this then they must submit notice of the resolution to the Trust Secretary by Saturday 29 December 2018 on the form attached. Any resolution must be supported by documentation where possible. This is to enable members to make a reasoned decision and the information supplied will be circulated to all members prior to the AGM. Also, if you feel that an area of the Club & Trusts activities should be specifically reported on and it’s not already on the agenda, please let us know in advance and the working party will consider its inclusion.
Should you not be able to attend and wish a proxy to attend in your place please fill in the proxy form available on our website and return to the address below not less than two clear days before the date of the meeting. The proxy will need to bring ID to the AGM and subject to verification will then have the same rights as a member.
In the interests of democracy there will be no amendments to the wording of resolutions on the day of the AGM. To do so could change the views of members who have nominated proxies to vote in a certain way, without giving them the chance to alter their position.
For further information, to submit agenda items, or to give advance notice of questions, please contact Martin Bees – Secretary at the address below.
Draft Agenda for Annual General Meeting
- Apologies
- Chairman’s Report – Overall report on the Club & Trusts activities.
- Treasurers Report – Financial State of the Club & Trust.
- Appointment of Independent Examiner
- Appointment of vacant board positions
- Appointment of Secretary
- Any other business.
Please note that a minimum number of members are required to be present in order for the meeting to take place. The requisite quorum for the meeting is 20 members. If the quorum is not present within 30 minutes, then the meeting will be deferred to a later date.
Associated papers
Election letter
Chair report
Resolution form
Nomination form
Proxy form
SC&T rules
AGM 2017 minutes
2015 Accounts
2016 Accounts