Monthly Meeting, The Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EJ
Wednesday 9 January 2019, 7.30pm
Board: Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, James Nicholls JN Members – Reg Coombes RC, John Croker JC, Scott Maker SM Police Liaison – Julie Hayward JH, Dave Walker DW
- Apologies & Matters arising: Matt Parsons, Diane Rowland, Wendy Rowland, Jon Watts, Trina Watts
- AGM preparations These have gone ahead smoothly with no nominations or resolutions forthcoming.
- Anfield evening, Thursday 24 January
MA reported very good collaboration with ‘the Club’ (BCFC/AGL/BSL) over the arrangements for this celebration. MA had tracked down all the former players and management bar one; nine have agreed to come including Buster Footman and Tony Fawthrop. They are official guests of the Club. AGL are providing facilities and staff. BSL are organising ticket sales. This promises to be an excellent evening. We should provide a person on the door to check entries and helpers for a raffle – prizes now being acquired by Matt (SLO).
- Atyeo Statue names
A panel had appeared on MA’s memories pages in recent programmes. Only three new names had been gained making a total of 17 towards the target 42. The item will go out in the next email. A group of fans interested in the history of Bristol City is meeting before the Bolton FA Cup game or the Swansea game. MA hopes this group will assist with the ‘Atyeo Book’.
- BCFC Crest and related issues
SR reported on a meeting he attended with about 11 others before the last home game. A representative of Mr B & Friends, the company employed to create a new crest, was present and ran the session. No summary was given of the survey of fans, which had 8-9,000 responses; SR [action] will press for this before the next meeting. A searching discussion around iconic features for Bristol and the Football Club ended with the Robin and Suspension Bridge being prominent. There is a danger that insufficient supporter input to the final decision could result in a Crest which splits the fans and that the Club could emerge badly tarnished.
- Safe standing
New recommendations in the Green Guide make it possible now for rail seats to be installed at Ashton Gate. At the end of a lengthy discussion, it was decided to await a response from BCFC to recent approaches already made by SR to Mark Ashton and by JD to Mark Kelly [action SR & JD in the event of no response]. It was noted that we’d be willing to discuss the possibility of some fan funding. JH noted that capacity in the area might be reduced by 10% if it was operated as unreserved. This was already the case in the SE quadrant. Dave Walker [action] will again stress to the SAG the desire of the SC&T to have a fans’ representative attend their meetings, as recommended by the SGSA.
- Legal and Police
JH gave an upbeat report on the good behaviour of City fans at recent home and away matches. Those attending the Birmingham game had been praised by the West Midland Police. Unfortunately, a serious incident connected with football took place on a non-match day when The Luckwell Hotel pub sustained very bad damage. A group from London and another from Holland were involved. Willem II supporters have attended City matches for many years but unfortunately, they have been infiltrated by violent fans. This was known in advance and four Dutch police spotters travelled to Bristol. They were called to the scene along with six Avon & Somerset police but most of the rioters escaped. There were four arrests, but CPS subsequently ruled there was insufficient evidence against them, so they were released. No Willem II fans attended the City match the following day and seventy Millwall fans with tickets also failed to attend. The riot was possible retribution for misbehaviour at Millwall last season, which resulted in 10 arrests of ‘City fans. They are still under investigation and in the meantime are banned by Bristol City.
- Supporters Bar
Frame of caricatures It was agreed to purchase replacement glass [action JD]
Food sign above bar This appears to need updating [action MA]
Proof of membership After a misunderstanding; Jon will now upload our members into the new system.
The most common method of entry will then be by QR code on a SmartPhone.
Issues with bar These need attention as some are recurring. [action MA]
Peter Wood picture MA reported that Peter was producing a superior picture from the original slide.
On receiving the picture, we will get it framed. [action MA]
- 2019/20 prices The Club should contact us with their intentions. [action SR]
- Next meeting Wednesday 6 February 2019