Monthly Meeting, Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EJ
Wednesday 13 November 2019, 7.30pm
Present Board – Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Terry Hamlin TH, James Nicholls JN
Members – John Croker JC, Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR
Apologies – Marie Day MD, Julie Hayward JH, Miles Hendy MH, Dave Walker DW, Jon Watts JW, Trina Watts TW
1. Minutes & actions from last meeting
Bristol Sport / AGL are considering providing rail seating in Section 82, supported financially by BCSCT. JD gave a summary of the two main plans, to go to a December BS/AGL board meeting. One involves adding rails behind existing seats as opposed to installing the purpose-designed seating, which is more expensive. The rail solution may not be possible on the narrower rows and would not enable any future increase in standing capacity. A discussion ensued on to what extent we would wish to assist financially, if necessary.
RESOLVED To discuss the issue at our AGM, when the outcome of the board meeting will be known.
2. Shares purchase offer
Individual fans possessing shares in Bristol City Holdings have received a letter from Steve Lansdown offering to buy them at £1 each – their nominal value. A discussion ensued around two basic ideas:
- as Steve Lansdown’s group own 97% of the company, the rest of the shares appear ‘worthless’ so we should realise their value and not have funds uselessly tied up
- a main purpose of BCST and now BCSCT is to be a properly constituted body ready to take ownership of the Football Club, should circumstances demand. Selling would be contradictory.
BCSCT has never received any contact re its shares, not even the offer to sell; post box needs checking [action MD]
RESOLVED Noting that the deadline of 22 November can be extended, we will take no action now and discuss the matter at our AGM, by which time we expect further developments.
3. Survey results
SR introduced the main results:
Q. How are we most known? A. End-of-season awards closely followed by legal case, bar and Atyeo Statue
Q. Main criticisms A. Seating before a game and getting to a game closely followed by ticket prices,
food and drink prices and overall cost of attending matches
Q. Supporters Bar A. More space needed
Q. Role of SLO A. Full time, a fan, attend away games
Q. BCSCT activity A. Community work 40% yes, football-related work 50% yes
A. AG8 and 125th anniversary [action SR]
Resulting from the survey, SR, MD and JN visited the Bristol City Robins Foundation and were hosted by Polly Wardle and James Edwards. JN said he was overwhelmed by the positive work, which is being done by this organisation, which is independent of the Football Club and has to pay its way. They have diverse football activities including LGBT, Walking Football, Downs Syndrome plus Young Mums Exercise. They have five FT and 25 PT staff. They have an education programme in which youngsters can retake GCSEs and get jobs. There is a Youth Council, which feeds directly from the youngsters, expressing their needs. Certain players are doing very positive work. They have similar frustrations working within the Bristol Sport structure to get things done.
In the discussion we were looking for ways of helping and publicising their good work. An addition to annual awards was considered. We will invite them to our meetings to discuss the best paths together. One perhaps strange aspect of their work is they have to pay the going rate for all things such as kit from The Store.
4. Supporters Bar
Lights reported not working have not been repaired and the entrance stand needs renewing. The absence of the food cabinet suggests the door is either being repaired or replaced. [actions JD]
5. Legal and Police
All the individual plaintiffs have been paid but BCSCT’s costs are still in process.
We had tweeted disappointment over the events at Luton. There was some naive reaction to some provocation. The authorities will find it hard to identify individuals as, sadly, there were so many singing some of the songs.
6. Accounts, preparation for AGM, Sat 14 December This is all in hand. [action MA and SR]
7. Heritage
Jon Economou (1981-84) – AGL gave Sports Bar free for wake, tribute in matchday programme
John Galley (1967-73) – visiting with wife and grandson at Forest game
Billy Wedlock – book signing 23/11/2019 in Mezzanine area from 1pm
70 years of Supporters Club – brief history by Terry Hamlin will be in 23/11/2019 matchday programme
8. OTIB monitoring
MA said careful monitoring would help in our quest to get Club officials to take part in discussion on OTIB
9. Honours boards It was agreed to get the updates made professionally. [action JD]
10. Meeting dates agreed January 8, February 5, March 4 (FAC5), April 1st, May 6