Monthly Meeting, The Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EJ
Wednesday 4 March 2020, 7.30pm
Board Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, James Nicholls JN, Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR, Jon Watts JW, Trina Watts TW
Members John Croker JC BCFC SLO Jerry Tocknell JT Police Liaison – Dave Walker DW
Apologies Stuart Rogers SR, Jon Darch JD, Julie Hayward JH
1. Minutes & actions from last meeting Stuart had not reported his actions.
2. Jerry Tocknell, SLO
Extra away coaches – a fourth coach for Leeds was arranged thanks to our initiative. Ryan is due to reply to us on the matter soon. Five coaches went to Millwall, all full. The price to ’Boro for season card holders will be £52 due to the requirement for two drivers and the holiday period.
Cashless trading at Ashton Gate – outlets accepting cash are not well signed. [Action JT]
RESOLVED To request that the outlets accepting cash continue into the foreseeable future. While appreciating the advantage of cashless marketing, the Club should not adopt a 100% cashless policy, which would be an extreme position. [Action MH & JT]
SURVEY – it would strengthen our case on the cashless issue to have feedback from fans. When we have the results, the plan is to invite Mark Kelly to our meeting.
[Action MH to draft Qs, to whom other themes for inclusion should be sent]
Midweek season tickets – the ticketing would be unable to cope.
3. Grant Giving Fund
There was understanding of the possible good work which could arise from such a fund, which we understand arose from discussion between Stuart and Jon Lansdown. We noted BCFC’s keenness to set up a fund. There was also apprehension about how such a fund would work, how money would be raised and how it would be perceived by supporters. The outcome was to ask Stuart to firm up the proposal with BCFC so that we can have a more informed discussion, hopefully next meeting. [Action SR]
The idea of a Food Bank arose in discussion, following the example of other clubs. We understand the Club is open to the idea.
Resolved – to organise a food bank at the Hull home game in collaboration with the Club and suitable existing Food Bank in Bristol. The Trussell Trust was suggested. [Action JT & SR].
4. Player of the Year awards
The plan as outlined by MA was agreed with the April 5th closing date but four new awards were suggested. It was agreed to define them post-meeting in email discussion.
5. Supporters Bar
The huge turnover of staff is causing uncertainty in general operations.
6. Police
City away fans have been very good on their travels recently. There have been a few incidents at home games:
Derby A near accident occurred in a car park inside Ashton Gate when cars were being prevented from leaving.
WBA They brought 17 coaches. Eleven of their fans were ejected from home areas. At half-time a WBA fan threw a flare in the concourse. Two away fans came to blows, captured by CCTV. Although no complaint was made, the assaulter will be prosecuted by the police. A lot of objects were thrown between rival supporters exiting the ground.
Cardiff There will be unrestricted travel to this game; away coaches may request an escort from the Portway.
7. Heritage
a) MA had merged our contact details of former players with the Club’s own list when Matt Parsons was SLO. This information was used by the Club for inviting former players to the 125thh season celebrations at the Fulham match. A lot more details were collected in that process, which we hope will be shared in turn with us.
b) Many former players attended Peter McCall’s funeral on Monday; the reception was held in the Heineken Suite.
8. AOB
Fans Funding for the Future – it was decided to renew the season cards for next season.
Hall of Fame – it was decided not to hold with the PoY awards but possibly next autumn [Action MA & MH]
9. Forthcoming meetings April 1st, May 6th