Monthly Meeting, The Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EJ
Wednesday 6 February 2019, 7.30pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Terry Hamlin TH, James Nicholls JN, Jon Watts JW, Trina Watts TW | Members –John Croker JC Scott Maker SM, Diane Rowland, Wendy Rowland | The Club – Michael Keeling, Matt Parsons | Police Liaison – Dave Walker DW
Apologies Reg Coombes RC, Marie Day MD, Julie Hayward JH
1. Matters Arising
8. Peter Wood picture – this has been received and a frame is being acquired [action JD]
2. SLO
a) The PA system is still giving problems; the Club is currently seeking quotes.
b) The online forum was considered very successful with 8,000 views since Monday. The original plan was for all video Qs but on the night live Qs were accepted. One criticism was that the chairperson did not challenge any of the answers.
c) EFL Supporter-of-the-Year – we will have an email discussion to decide whether to take part.
3. AGM debrief
The AGM went well and all propositions were approved. A number of members expressed surprise at the number of things we (the board) do.
4. Anfield 1994 evening debrief and plan for Wolves game
This was a very enjoyable evening attended by a good number of fans, former players and officials of the Football Club. We hope that the fruitful collaboration with the Club will be continued and built upon in future joint events. Mike Adams was thanked for his lead in this project.
5. Atyeo Statue names
We have about 20 of the required 42 names for the final band on the statue. It was agreed to email our contact list and remind diamond members that they may still claim a free entry after 20 months membership. Such claims will be accepted in order of receipt up the 42 limit.
6. BCFC Crest and related issues
An ad hoc group is still meeting but little progress appears to have been made. Fans are not going to get a say on a choice of designs, though 9,000 had taken part in the survey.
8. Supporters Bar
Michael Kealing explained how he had been dealing with reported problems. The permanent contacts are Rhianne for the bar and Mel for the food. There should always be two staff on duty. Rhianne should check everything around 11am after pre-checks the previous day. The stocking list for the fridge was agreed and restocking was part of standard operating procedure (SOP). The tea urn should be switched on at 10am. Food needs to be ordered in and to help this, a till which is able to process orders will be fitted soon – we will be informed when this has happened. All discounts are to the nearest 5p – no copper coins are used in the stadium. He would investigate further the vandalism to furniture.
9. Q&A Sessions
Dave Barton is involved in organising a session at an away game, Stu is providing advice around what has worked and not worked at previous events.
10. Legal and Police
Swansea game Unfortunately there was significant disorder during and following this game. Much has been captured on CCTV and a number of arrests are expected. Questions were asked and answered but a post-investigation is underway between the police and the Club and the subject is therefore sub judice.
11. Homophobia and Sexuality within Football Stadia
We had received a request to participate in a student project. It was agreed to circulate our contact list for individuals to indicate if they would like to participate.
13. Financial matters
a) The 2017 accounts are expected to be ready by mid-March.
b) Our ‘Moonclerk membership’ has been updated into our system – we have 433 paid-up members.
14. Next meeting – Wednesday, 6 March 2019