Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 6th October 2021, 7.00pm
Board present Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH, Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN, D-M Withers DW. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR
Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell JT (SLO)
Apologies Marie Day MD, James Thomas, Jon Watts, Katrina Watts
[Actions in italics and square brackets]
1. SLO (JT reported)
All tickets had been sold for the Q&A, which could be covered by Radio Bristol’s ‘Sound Of The City.’
Codes have been set up for clubs and schools to get discounts on tickets after their initial visit.
2. BCWFC (SM and DW reported)
Flags – design had been done and they would be ready for the game at Ashton Gate on November 14th.
Logo on shirts possibility [ACTION JT to pursue at next scheduled meeting]
Open Training Session has been suggested on Wednesday October 27th in place of Q&A session at AG. Give-away cards are being produced for which it was agreed to place an advert to join BCSCT. [ACTION SM to draw up text and circulate for agreement]
Standing around pitch at RHPC is allowed but not widely known and needs publicising. [ACTION SM to inform BCWFC]
Sponsorship of City Women [ACTION SM to explore possibilities]
3. Hall of Fame
MA had circulated a list of 540+ BCFC players up to the year 2000. He highlighted the 1954/55 team as being recognised by historians as the best since WW2. The problem is to select candidates from different eras. In conclusion it was agreed to ask historians to suggest names with a short statement of support, which would then be voted on by supporters. The expectation is three men and an inaugural two women will be elected. The presentations would best be included with the PoY awards. [ACTION MA]
4. Q&A session
The Club had selected the Hen & Chicken in North Street and a date would be finalise shortly. An away Q&A is expected to be at the Forest or Blackburn. [ACTION JT]
5. Annual fans survey (MH and SR reported)
Questions were adapted from MUST’s questionnaire plus some additions but more were need. One suggestion was about sensitivity to songs at AG. The fact that the Club’s decisions are essentially data-led would be kept in mind. A complete list would be circulated prior to the next meeting then the agreed list would be sent to Dave Barton. The best time to release to fans would be soon after the end of the season. [ACTION MH and SR]
6. Safe-Standing (Jon)
The day marked the deadline for clubs to register to be early adopters of the pilot scheme and it was understood it was BCFC’s intention to apply.
7. Supporters Bar
Fans For The Future tickets – only a few remain unclaimed.
8. Atyeo Statue and House plaque
Final plaques on the Atyeo Statue - MA reported he had sufficient applicants. Brunel Engraving had quoted £945 to produce the final band. Income should be circa £4,000. The quote was agreed nem con.
Wall plaque on Atyeo’s house in Dilton Marsh – MA attended the ceremony and the subsequent talk by Tom Hopegood in the nearby Community Hall. He thanked the Local History Society on behalf of BCFC supporters for arranging the plaque and the occasion.
9. Police (DW reported)
Police officer at away games – Tom xxxxx has replaced Julie Hayward.
Coach Travel – best if disabled supporters travel in coach 1 if possible if not 1 and 2 [ACTION JT]
Order reports – five had been made this season, involving pitch invasion, fights and flares thrown at QPR and POSH. On the evidence so far, BCFC is likely to appear in the top five sides for bad behaviour in the Championship. According to the Chairman’s Charter for all Championship Clubs, there is a three-seasons ban for throwing flares.
10. Next meeting Wednesday 3rd November, 7pm