
Minutes January 2020

Monthly Meeting, The Supporters Bar, Ashton Gate, Bristol BS3 2EJ

Wednesday 9 January 2020, 7.30pm


Board  Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH

Members –John Croker JC, Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR

BCFC SLO Jerry Tocknell JT   Police Liaison – Julie Hayward JH, Dave Walker DW

Apologies                James Nicholls JN, Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW

1. Welcome to Jerry Tocknell, SLO

Upper Lansdown family area – on his first visit, Jerry met a positive response with criticism being constructive.  Buses were the main concern.  Difficulty with phone and email services came second.  Another disappointment is that the players have stopped visiting the area.

Historic Williams clock – the motor has broken down and spare parts are not readily available.

Ticket Office on non-match days – the Club has declared its intention to provide this service.

Tickets for Troops – the Club had taken part in the scheme for the Barnsley match.

Jerry learned about our Funding Fans for the Future project and would be joining the OTIB Fans Forum officially.

Next season ticketing – can the BCSCT be involved early in the process please? [action JT]

A sell-back system – should be introduced for next season. [action JT]

Q&A session – the Nottingham Forest game has been targeted and SR will provide information.  One coach could leave early in order to be able to attend the session. [action JT to check SL’s availability and also Dave Barton]

2. Minutes & actions from last meeting – see Chairman’s notes below

3. Survey results, community projects

There was a discussion about away tickets and a possible loyalty scheme.  In parallel with such a scheme, could a number of away tickers, suggested 200, be kept available for purchasers outside the usual subscribers?

4. Supporters Bar

The wall TV and other reported as not working items have still not been repaired. [action JD]

5. Police and legal case

The stewards are catching a number of adults trying to gain entry with junior tickets.  The last three home games have been without any disorder.  The Luton game had been assessed as a grade A risk, influenced by a fight on a train station at the away game, even though it was subsequently shown to be non-football related.  At the Fulham away game there were 21 ejections, many overzealous celebrations of the win.  A flare was also let off.  Closer to home, there was an incident in Park Street, Bristol between Rovers and City supporters resulting in prison sentences for 13 to 15 individuals.

Legal case – some claimants had been excluded.  CCTV has been checked for previous actions.  We will make a Freedom of Information request for the findings.

Middlesbrough fans – we have been contacted by solicitors acting for Middlesbrough fans involved in a similar incident to our fans.  It was agreed to set £200 aside for their help fund pending a request for more information [action SR]

6. AGM debrief                 The AGM was well received.  It was agreed to retain our shares in the Football Club with only one vote against.  The draft minutes are available.

7. AOB

Rail seating at Ashton Gate – the matter had not yet been discussed by the BCFC board so Dave Storr postponed his scheduled visit.

Parking in Winterstoke Road – parking tickets are now being issued by Bristol City operatives who make a lightning visit at 3pm to the area by the flyover.  On the first occasion 40-50 tickets were issued.

8. Forthcoming meetings             February 5,March 4, April 1st, May 6

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