Board Meeting online using Zoom
Wednesday 2nd March 2022, 7:00pm
Present Board Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy MH (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin, Shahan Miah SM, James Nicholls JN, D-M Withers DM, Jon Watts, Katrina Watts. Members Diane Rowland DR, Wendy Rowland WR. Police Dave Walker DW (Football Support Officer). Football Club Jerry Tocknell JT (SLO). Supporters Stuart Hogg SH, Ellie Jones EJ, Simon Orriss SO, Matt Seaward MS, Patch Warner PW, Matthew Withers MW.
Apologies Leah Case LC, James Thomas JT, D-M Withers DM
1. SLO
DW reported that incidents involving flares continue – one landed on a car at an away match causing £1.000 worth damage, another was lit in our concourse and a third was taken from a young fan trying to bring it into the ground. The Club is signed up to the Chairman’s Charter – they can issue a ban up to three years. Dave Storr has dealt with 39 cases of disobedience this season; more than the previous six seasons combined. SR said that nationally, football trusts had set up a task force to investigate the increased bad behaviour. ACTION SR to work with Mohammed Dola on racist incidents at Ashton Gate; some progress has been made. ACTION JT – poster is best black on yellow for everyone; black on red very bad for colour-blind supporters. On a positive note, we have the 8th-best home support in the championship this season.
SR reported on, what by common consent, was a brilliant extended weekend. Our part of the proceedings including the card display in the Dolman stand went well. The meeting declared its thanks to Chairman Stuart Rogers for his part in the events representing the BCSCT. AGREED – spending the whole of the £10,000 allocated to the celebrations
SO gave an account of the last meeting with Richard Gould with the next one due the following week. It mainly concerned protecting the heritage elements of the football club. The term ‘Golden Share’ did not sit comfortably with Richard. ACTION SR – to contact D-M’s brother-in-law in connection with FairGame. ACTION SR – include ‘BCSCT free membership proposal’ and ‘Incorporation of SC holders to our surveys’ at next meeting with Richard Gould
MA reported that our current paid-up membership is 448 in three main categories – Red (basic), Gold (Bar access pre-match) and Diamond (additional contributions to Share Fund). Our Diamond Members put 87 x £30 = £2,610 into the Share Fund (SF) annually. MA proposed that the Share Fund be reassigned as a Community Fund but a Share Fund was seen as integral to our Trust, so the proposal was not accepted. We have thousands of active contacts whom we could incorporate as Associate Members without voting rights. MA made the following proposals which were accepted as amended in discussion: 1. Subject to alignment with our rules, consider creating a free non-voting Associate Membership, such members must give basic personal details and sign to uphold the aims and values of BCSCT. 2. Keep Red, Gold (Adult, Junior, Youth, Senior separately priced) and Diamond membership levels. 3. Lifetime members – retain current members but not offer in future. 4. Consider Honorary Membership. 5. PoY/HoF - retain voting open to all supporters, while offering Associate Membership in the process. ACTION MA – reformulate membership sections following the discussion (for next meeting)
Match v Liverpool April 3rd – discussion on what to offer on our publicity table - to continue online. AGREED – to purchase a roller banner. ACTION SM/D-M - to follow up with club date of Fans Forum proposed for April.
ACTION MA SM/D-M – to liaise with Football Clubs re PoY presentations and MA – to organise online voting. Hall of Fame postponed to the Autumn to enable better quality event in conjunction with BCFC. ACTION SR or MA to liaise with Scott Davidson.
ACTION MH – circulate draft next weekend
ACTION MA – to pursue repairs to some current names
ACTION SR – ask Shehan Jayasinghe at Bristol Sport for a dedicated Wi-Fi line to our Bar ACTION JD – source new lectern for Bar and software for new laptop
Next meeting – scheduled for Wednesday TBC April 2022, 7.00pm