Honours Boards Updates

The Supporters Club & Trust board are pleased to reveal the new updates made to the Honours Boards in our Supporters Bar at Ashton Gate.

For those not aware, our Honours Boards keep are our record of all the End of Season Awards winners (players of the year & top goal scorers in the league) & Hall of Fame inductees. After a long period of inactivity (mainly caused by the COVID-19 pandemic), we have now made long overdue updates to our boards following the various new award winners & Hall of Fame members over the last few years.

We have also added a new Women’s Honours board for our three Women’s Awards (Player of the Year, Young Player of the Year, Top Goal Scorer) which we have introduced since our honours boards were last updated. Although the Women’s Golden Boot award was not introduced until the 2021/22 season, the Women’s Top Goal Scorer record dates back to 2016 when Bristol City Women was re-established & under the football club.

And to keep with gender parity, we have now added “Men’s” to all the existing honours boards (Men’s Player of the Year & Men’s Player of the Year, Men’s Top Goal Scorer). The Hall of Fame board does not need renaming as it now includes inductees from Bristol City Women.

Alongside the updated honours boards, Ashton Gate Stadium have now updated the signs inside the overall Sports Bar area. There is now a sign on the ground floor which directs people to go upstairs to the Supporters Bar, and also another sign outside our Bar which directs people to the toilets.

We look forward to our members in our Supporters Bar viewing our honours boards on a future matchday. We extend our thanks to Clevedon-based Signet Signs Ltd for their work in updating & adding to our honours boards.

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