The Supporters Club & Trust board are pleased to announce the agenda for the next meeting that will be taking place on Wednesday 9th October 2024, from 7pm to 9pm.
Following on from our announcement of this board meeting, please see below the latest agenda:
Order to be agreed at start of meeting.
1. Apologies
2. Honours board & shield updates in Supporters Bar
3. SC&T 75th Anniversary celebration in 2024/25
4. AGM 2024 – November 30th (Plymouth Argyle 3pm ko)
5. OTIB – to draw up/tighten Rules of Discussion
6. SLO & police updates
7. BCWFC – including away travel
8. BCFC – Fan Engagement Plan and Improving the Atmosphere
9. End-of-Season Awards 2024/25
10. Protecting Heritage Assets
11. AOB
a) Capacity for away supporters at Ashton Gate – cap said to be 3401, but Oxford Utd may received more?
b) Ticket purchase – why has the option to print at home been removed?
c) Lighting – lights at the top of the various stairs are very bright and impact viewing.