
August 2024 Minutes

Board Meeting online using Zoom

Wednesday 7th August 2024, 7:00pm


Stuart Rogers SR (chair), Miles Hendy (vice-chair), Mike Adams MA (minutes), Jon Darch JD, Marie Day MD, Terry Hamlin TH, Shahan Miah SM, Mark Newman MN
Supporters: Chris Chard CC, Leah Davis LD, Matt Seaward MS
Bristol City: Jerry Tocknell JT
Avon & Somerset Police: Dave Walker DW.
APOLOGIES: Jon Watts JW, Katrina Watts KW, D-M Withers DM, James Nicholls JN


The April meeting minutes were accepted as a true record


a) DW said there were no issues left over from last season or from last Saturday (the Willem II friendly). The meeting thanked Dave for his valuable contribution over the years and hoped he would stay in touch.
b) He was leaving his position as Police Liaison with the club to go to Licensing; still with Avon & Somerset Police.
c) Questions had been asked as to why the Willem II fans were not segregated. DW answered that there was no perceived problem in the special circumstances.
d) JT spoke about Season Tickets for the coming season. Digital tickets would go straight into Google Wallet, which will need to be updated. Physical cards should be retained from last season.
e) A lot of redecoration had taken place in the stadium including more murals.
f) EFL has agreed to new match price caps – but too late for this season.
g) Fan Engagement – the Club achieved Silver last year – five points off Gold. The Club Shop let us down with 4/10 mark. BCFC were placed No 1 for the Travel Plan and the Whitebeam project.
h) Matchday Storage – there is a demand for storage space for items refused entry on match days


Michelle Dring has been set this task of setting up a fans consultative group. BCSC&T was asked to sign up but we had not been consulted. However, we would be happy to work with the Club on the EFL requirement. [ACTION SR]


Co-founder LD said the project – supporting women, girls and widows wishing to attend football matches safely and enjoyably – was now three years old. She is looking to start a group encouraging women who travel to home and/or away matches alone to meet up on match days or travel together. Similar groups at Fulham and Nottingham Forest work with their clubs to do this.
Unrelated, Peter Smith at Bristol Sport is producing a car-sharing scheme to help – it will presumably be open to all supporters.


SR & DM had met with Gavin Marshall, the main item being confirming Away Travel. Coach prices have significantly increased; JT confirmed for Hull away for the men’s team, BCFC have had to start add 20% to Turners’ quoted prices to coaches as they are technically acting as an agent selling travel
AGREED for BCSC&T offer the same financial support as last season regarding women’s away coaches


The price of membership is pegged at £5. Numbers paying had jumped from 330 to 360 in the past few weeks. There exists a sub-section for ‘political’ talk. Language was getting out of hand.
AGREED to draw up/tighten Rules of Discussion. [ACTION MA – place on next agenda]

7. AOB

a) Pride Parade – SM, DM attended representing BCSCT, joining the Panthers & Robins Foundation. LD attended representing HGT, as did City Women assistant head coach Natalie Haigh
b) Matchday flags – help needed to set up 11-11:30, take down and store. [ACTION SR to ask Section 82]
c) Honours boards – men’s boards need updating, women’s board needs installing [ACTION MA, JD to set in motion before next meeting]
d) Anniversaries – BCSC 75th this season, BCST 20th next year. SM discussed idea of updating BCSC&T logo for the season [ACTION MA – place on next agenda, ACTION SM to ask LD if she can come up with updated logo]

Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 4th September

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